So it has been a while since I blogged. I promise I have not given up on scrapbooking. I have been taking Candice Stringham's photography class, "Oh Shoot!" Is that the cutest class title or what. I met Candice at the Creative Photography Retreat in the Fall. She taught this amazing class on lighting that was so inspiring. She is just as cute as her class title.
I feel so lucky to have my digital SLR. I can capture these fleeting moments and appreciate them for years to come. Here is an example of photos I absolutely charish... its a page I designed maybe a year ago. Check out my little guy~

Isn't he just the cutest?

I am so happy I am taking this class. I am becoming a better photographer... anyone who knows me knows how much I love
PROGRESS. I can deal with imperfection as long as there is progress.
Here is why I titled this post "Are you a Photographer?":
The other day I was photographing one of the kids {I'll admit it, I'm a total Momarrazi} and someone asked if I am a photographer. My response was "Of coarse I am...I'm a mom."
I am so blessed to be a MOM:)