We were planning our trip to NYC for Spring break this year. We really needed some fun family time and when I asked Rob for his input on some of the plans his response was "lets go to Disney instead." That was about 6 weeks before Spring break so I thought he was nuts. I told him that I had read the books and you can't just go to Disney... you have to plan it out months in advance with charts and graphs. But the more I thought about it I knew he was right. We had been wanting to take the kids for a while now and the trip kept getting postponed. Now was a good time for us so why not?

Since our trip was only weeks away I decided I wanted to keep it a secret from the kids. It couldn't be that hard since it wasn't that far away. On the morning of our flight to FL the kids thought they were on there way to school. When they went outside they found Minnie and Mickey waiting for them holding these signs.
The kids were so surprised they were sort of speechless. We had a great trip there, it was Cullen's first time on a plane.
Our first night we went to The Magic Kingdom and watched the Electric Parade.
The second day we toured Hollywood Studios. That was our favorite park!! We met lots of characters and got lots of autographs. I'll post those pics later along with the pics of the autograph books I made.

The kids had a great time at Jedi training camp. They were braver than I would have been...Darth Maul gave me the creeps.We had such a wonderful time getting to the Animal Kingdom first thing the next morning. We headed straight to the Safari, just like Tour Guide Mike told us to do.
It was so neat to see how the animals really did look like they just roamed free. Disney did a great job disguising the barriers they had in place. I had read about it in the books but it was really exciting to see it myself.
The next day we went to Epcot. We loved Soarin'! We loved it so much we got a second fast pass for it and stayed in the park to wait for the fast pass to become current. While we were waiting Aubrey decided she wanted to do the Kim Possible Mission. I didn't think it would be all that interesting but if there is one thing I have learned about Walt Disney World it is that the creative teams behind Disney attractions should never be doubted. The kids had a great time doing their mission.
I was just shooting away when Aubrey came right up to me and in the most casual she could told me to "Quit taking so many pictures. You are going to blow my cover. I'm a secret agent Mom." It was so cute and brought a smile to my face.
So I started browsing around at the shops while my "secret agents" finished there mission.
We had an amazing time touring the parks each day but we also had lots of fun back at our hotel too!
Each afternoon we would take a break back at the hotel (just like the books say to do.) Although the kids didn't really relax. They had so much fun in the pool at the French Quarter while Rob and I would relax in the shade, he with his book and me with my margarita! Then we'd head back to one of the parks for some evening entertainment or maybe a character dinner.
The week went by so fast. Before we knew it the vacation was over and it was time to go home. It was also time to tell Cullen that Mars, the red fish, had passed on to the big fish bowl in the sky. He handled it well and asked if he could get a new fish... a Nemo fish;)